Retirement Living with a Family Atmosphere


Trip to the Thirsty Camel on the Holden Express

The United Presbyterian Home strives to keep our residents engaged and active with a variety of activities on our campus. There is usually something happening on campus whether it is a scheduled activity, a card game being played in a lobby, people shooting pool in our billiards room or impromptu gatherings in our coffee shop, there is always something happening at the UP Home! 

Activities on Campus:
  • Art Class
  • Aquatic Classes in our Therapy Pool
  • Fitness Classes
  • Movies & Popcorn
  • Card Clubs
  • Men’s Club
  • Bingo
  • Bible Study
  • Hymn Sings
  • Book Club

In addition to our normally scheduled activities we have all kinds of special events planned for each season that residents can sign-up for.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Aside from planned daily activities, volunteer opportunities are a great way to get involved and stay active in our Home community.  Different volunteer positions include helping in the daycare, taking Health Center residents on wheelchair rides, helping with the Health Center spa days, or tending the Home’s gardens.  Volunteering is an easy way to get involved on campus!  No one is more or less important than another and no job is too big or too small.  We can (and do!) count the number of volunteers who have served, the number of hours that have been given, and even translate those hours into dollars.  What is truly immeasurable is the difference that each of the volunteers has made to the culture and high quality of life at the United Presbyterian Home