Retirement Living with a Family Atmosphere

Driver Safety Program Scheduled for Area Drivers

The United Presbyterian Home is offering the AARP Smart Driver Class on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. The four hour class teaches defensive driving; changes that have occurred since we began driving on roads, our vehicles and ourselves, as well as strategies we can adopt to deal with these changes to improve our driving skills and avoid crashes. The class focuses on how age-related cognitive and physical changes affect mature driver and how they can adjust their driving strategies to maintain their driving longer and safer.

The class will be held Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at the United Presbyterian Home in Washington from 9:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Those interested should call 319.461.4714 or email to register.

The Smart Driver Programs is offered through host organizations such as the UP Home.  Participates only pay a nominal materials cost of $20, which is discounted to $15 for AARP members.  The class is conducted in the classroom with no driving or testing.  Class graduates will receive a certificate of completion, some insurance companies offer auto premium discounts to course participants.

Attendees should bring their driver’s license and AARP membership number (if you are a member), and be sure to arrive 15 minute early to register.

AARP Smart Driver classes have been offered by AARP since 1969 and have reached more than 12 million participants since inception. Instructors are local AARP volunteers.